Phil Morgan - Retired
Phil Morgan is the founder of the Just Mammals Consultancy and retired at the end of 2020. He still reviews some reports for us as our Assistant Principal Ecologist.
Phil has been a professional ecologist for over 30 years, working with engineers and developers throughout that time to ensure that protected species are fully taken into account during any development.
Phil has considerable experience of undertaking building, tree and cave surveys for all bat species. In addition he has undertaken foraging and flight line surveys using heterodyne and other echo location equipment and in 1991 made a significant contribution to a Bristol University run project, which established the methodology used in the National Bat Monitoring Programme.
Phil has also undertaken numerous radio tracking exercises on both lesser horseshoe and Daubenton's bats. He holds Natural England (NE) and Natural Resources Wales (NRW) licences to work with all bat species.
In addition to his experience with bats his background as an ecologist in the water industry means that he has considerable experience with otters and water voles.
In 2002 he undertook considerable survey work for otters as part of the Otter Survey of Wales and has also undertaken research projects on otters and water voles, for which he holds appropriate species survey licences.
In addition, Phil has considerable experience with both dormice and great crested newts and holds NE and NRW licence with respect to these species.
Phil is a Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv), registered with the Society for the Environment and is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (MCIEEM).

Interesting Fact
Phil has appeared on BBC Wildlife television and radio programmes for filming of bats and dormice and has assisted Iolo Williams with making wildlife programmes. Phil has even provided Sir David Attenborough with a dormouse-in-hand filming opportunity!